A massive dump of Microsoft's proprietary internal builds for Windows 10 has been published online, along with the source codes for proprietary software.
This is the largest leak affecting Windows products; the data in the dump were probably stolen from Microsoft computers in March.
Microsoft's Shared Source Kit, which comprises the source code for the Microsoft PnP and base Windows 10 hardware drivers as well as storage drivers, USB and Wi-Fi stacks, and ARM-specific OneCore kernel code, has been released.
Top-secret versions of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 that have never been made public are included in the dump.
Source: https://securityaffairs.com/60374/data-breach/windows-10-data-leak.html

"id": "MIC2321251123",
"linkid": "microsoft",
"type": "Data Leak",
"date": "06/2017",
"severity": "85",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"