Durham District School Board

Durham District School Board

The names of staff at Durham District School Board who are not vaccinated for COVID-19 were exposed in a data security breach incident.

The board mistakenly attached a spreadsheet of the names of about 800 unvaccinated or undisclosed staff while sending out a “routine” email about rapid testing.

The board apologized to the affected staff and provided additional training for all staff involved with secure documents to prevent any such happenings in future.

Source: https://www.thestar.com/local-oshawa/news/2022/01/09/privacy-breach-names-of-unvaccinated-ddsb-staff-accidentally-shared.html

"id": "DUR11424422",
"linkid": "durham-district-school-board",
"type": "Breach",
"date": "01/2022",
"severity": "75",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"
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