A cyberattack has targeted the youth care facility Xonar. During that hack, data was taken.
The specific data that was stolen is still being looked into, therefore it is unclear at this time. The information hasn't been released anywhere else as far as Xonar is aware.
Xonar has no desire to verify if a ransom has been demanded by the hackers.
The Netherlands Data Protection Authority has been informed about the attack.
The organisation has implemented measures to restrict entry and invited outside specialists.
Source: https://www.1limburg.nl/nieuws/2363070/gegevens-gestolen-bij-cyberaanval-jeugdzorginstelling-xonar

"id": "XON223928124",
"linkid": "xonar",
"type": "Data Leak",
"date": "12/2023",
"severity": "60",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"