Wright & Filippis

Wright & Filippis notified 877,584 individuals of a ransomware attack.

The attack had impacted protected health information (PHI).

Wright & Filippis’ HR and electronic medical records systems were not affected.

The breach involved the names, birth dates, financial account numbers, Social Security numbers, and health insurance information of current and former patients, along with the names, driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers, birth dates, and limited financial information of former employees or job applicants.

Source: https://healthitsecurity.com/news/community-health-network-notifies-1.5m-of-data-breach-stemming-from-tracking-tech

"id": "WRI212791222",
"linkid": "wright-&-filippis",
"type": "Ransomware",
"date": "01/2022",
"severity": "75",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"