The FireScam Android malware, masquerading as a 'Telegram Premium' app, targeted Android devices with the potential to exfiltrate sensitive user data. It was distributed through a phishing website, craftily resembling the RuStore app store. The malware could intercept notifications to steal credentials and financial data, sending them to a Firebase database. Once installed, it requested permissions that would allow it to bypass user controls and maintain persistence on the device. This incident put user privacy and security at risk and compromised the integrity of the affected devices, leading to potential financial loss and reputation damage.

Source: https://securityaffairs.com/172656/malware/firescam-android-malware.html

"id": "vkc000010825",
"linkid": "vkcompany",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "1/2025",
"severity": "85",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"