During the Olympic Games in Paris, criminal acts of sabotage were performed resulting in the severance of long-distance internet cables owned by SFR, among other telecom operators. This deliberate disruption caused a partial internet outage, affecting both mobile and fiber optic services. The impact was reported as 'limited' on SFR's customers, but the incident required extensive repair work to restore connectivity. The attack also indirectly impacted additional operators who utilize SFR's network infrastructure. Despite no immediate cyber-attack linkage and lack of claimed responsibility, the incident raised concerns over infrastructure security and implications of potential state actor involvement.


"id": "svn000073024",
"linkid": "svn-sfr-capital-management",
"type": "Breach",
"date": "7/2024",
"severity": "100",
"impact": "6",
"explanation": "Attack threatening the economy of geographical region"