SecureTech Innovations

In July 2023, SecureTech Innovations experienced a significant cyberattack classified as a 'Ransomware' incident under the Sub Tag category. The attackers managed to infiltrate the company's secured network through a phishing scam, exploiting a known vulnerability that had not yet been patched in SecureTech's software. Upon gaining access, the malicious actors deployed ransomware, encrypting critical customer data and demanding a substantial ransom for decrypt key. This attack not only disrupted SecureTech's operations, causing a temporary shutdown of their main service platform, but also compromised sensitive personal and financial information of over 10,000 customers. The incident has severely impacted SecureTech Innovations' reputation, leading to a loss of trust among its customer base, a decrease in share value, and potential legal repercussions.


"id": "sec607050724",
"linkid": "securetech-innovations",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "07/2023",
"severity": "100",
"impact": "5",
"explanation": "Attack threatening the organization’s existence"