Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric, one of the world's largest electronics and electrical equipment manufacturing firms, was hit by a major security breach.

Chinese-linked cyber-espionage group named Tick (or Bronze Butler) is the primary suspect.

The intrusion was detected after Mitsubishi Electric staff found a suspicious file on one of the company's servers.

The intrusion was later tracked to a compromised employee account.

Hackers escalated their access from this initial entry point to Mitsubishi Electric's internal systems, gaining access to the networks of around 14 company departments, such as sales and the head administrative office.

Hackers stole sensitive data from the company's internal network.

Hackers compromised tens of PCs and servers in Japan and overseas from where they stole around 200 MB of files, mostly business documents.


"id": "MIT2023111222",
"linkid": "mitsubishielectric",
"type": "Breach",
"date": "06/2019",
"severity": "60",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"