In the virtual reality game Gorilla Tag, a clever exploit involving a free VPN called Big Mama VPN has been uncovered. Teenagers have used the VPN to cheat by creating a lag to more easily 'tag' other players. What makes Big Mama VPN particularly concerning is that it also sells access to users' internet connections, allowing others to disguise their online activities using the VR headset's IP address. This has been linked to cybercriminal activity and has placed the users’ privacy and security at risk. However, in this scenario, there does not appear to be any actual data breach or cyberattack directly impacting Meta's systems or its users' personal data.
"id": "met000122124",
"linkid": "meta",
"type": "Vulnerability",
"date": "12/2024",
"severity": "25",
"impact": "1",
"explanation": "Attack without any consequences"