Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente

The Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare organization, has filed a notice with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding a data breach affecting 13.4 million members, marking the largest healthcare-related data breach of 2024. The breach involved the transmission of personal information to third-party advertisers, including names and IP addresses, through tracking code on Kaiser's websites and mobile apps. This data could infer sign-in statuses and user interactions. While the breach did not include passwords, Social Security numbers, or credit card details, it exposed sensitive member activity which has significant ramifications for privacy and security.

Source: https://www.hcinnovationgroup.com/cybersecurity/article/55021547/kaiser-permanente-data-breach-might-affect-134m-members

"id": "kai004031725",
"linkid": "kaiser-permanente",
"type": "Breach",
"date": "4/2024",
"severity": "85",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"
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