Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks

In mid-2024, China-linked cyber espionage group UNC3886 targeted outdated Juniper Networks Junos OS MX routers with custom backdoors. The deployment of TINYSHELL-based backdoors, which allowed for stealthy, persistent access, showed a sophisticated understanding of system internals and posed a significant threat. This attack rendered the organization vulnerable to long-term espionage activities, primarily affecting the defense, technology, and telecommunications sectors in the US and Asia. The security incident not only undermined the integrity of Juniper Networks' devices but also put sensitive customer and employee data at risk.


"id": "jun000031625",
"linkid": "juniper-networks",
"type": "Vulnerability",
"date": "3/2025",
"severity": "100",
"impact": "",
"explanation": "Attack threatening the organization's existence"
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