Public Health Sector

Public Health Sector

A critical cybersecurity breach was discovered following a Public Health Cybersecurity Readiness Survey, impacting state, local, tribal, and territorial public health agencies. The breach led to the compromise of sensitive health data, disruption of healthcare services, and erosion of public trust in health institutions. The severity of this incident was magnified due to the essential nature of public health services and the ripple effect on the community's well-being and safety. The attack led to the delay in medical treatments, increased vulnerability to diseases, and a loss of personal and medical data of countless individuals.


"id": "ill000010425",
"linkid": "illinois-public-health-institute",
"type": "Vulnerability",
"date": "11/2024",
"severity": "100",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"
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