
In 2017, Equifax suffered a massive cybersecurity breach that exposed personal data of around 13.8 million UK consumers. The leaked data included names, birth dates, phone numbers, partial credit card details, and addresses. The breach was linked to Equifax's inadequate oversight of its data outsourcing to its US parent company, resulting in preventable vulnerabilities. Equifax's delayed response to the breach and subsequent mishandling of customer complaints highlighted a failure in maintaining adequate cybersecurity measures and an insufficient complaints management system.

Source: https://www.fca.org.uk/news/press-releases/equifax-ltd-fine-cyber-security-breach

"id": "equ409051424",
"linkid": "equifax",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "09/2017",
"severity": "85",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"