DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen's communication options and services are currently severely constrained. Currently, several services are not functioning.
Access to systems like Dualis, Moodle, Bite, Bee, and others is also included. On-site internet connectivity is not available.
Currently, the company said, the only way to get in touch with them is by phone. Please give the designated contact person a call if you have any questions. On their website, a list of all of their workers is available, along with contact information.
Additionally, they stated that the current exams and the forthcoming quarter would proceed as scheduled, beginning on October 1st for first-semester students.
Source: https://www.dhbw-vs.de/hochschule/technische-stoerungen-hinweise-zur-aktuellen-situation.html

"id": "DUA12124923",
"linkid": "duale-hochschule-baden-w-rttemberg-villingen-schwenningen",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "09/2023",
"severity": "60",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"