A data dump with over 320,000 financial records possibly taken from Israeli payment processor BlueSnap was released by a hacker.
The information contained in the documents includes names, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, physical addresses, bills, and even CVV codes.
Popular cyber security expert Troy Hunt broke the story, having examined the hacked documents and confirmed their authenticity.
Hunt brought attention to the existence of invoices associated with a Jewish corporation, which is another indication that one of the aforementioned businesses may have been involved.
Source: https://securityaffairs.com/51232/data-breach/financial-records-leak.html

"id": "BLU117311023",
"linkid": "bluesnap",
"type": "Data Leak",
"date": "09/2016",
"severity": "85",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"