The main DDoS attack on Balkan Insight, a website run by BIR, occurred after it posted a story regarding fictitious copyright complaints.
That day, a massive traffic bottleneck unexpectedly occurred on BIRN's server, impeding normal traffic flow. DDoS assaults are designed to interfere with a targeted server's, service's, or network's regular traffic.
Using tools and knowledge, an IT security specialist whose company manages BIRN's digital security claimed to have successfully defended itself.
Via a hosting firm that rents out servers, BIRN got copyright infringement allegations from two people, one named Rocky Paul and the other named Sharon Henkel, who were allegedly headquartered in Colorado, US, and France, respectively.

"id": "BAL193128124",
"linkid": "balkan-investigative-reporting-network-birn",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "12/2023",
"severity": "60",
"impact": "3",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with internal employee data leaks"