Apex HCM

Apex HCM

Payroll software provider Apex Human Capital Management suffered a ransomware attack that severed payroll management services for hundreds of the company’s customers for nearly three days.

Apex was alerted that its systems had been infected with a destructive strain of ransomware that encrypts computer files and demands payment for a digital key needed to unscramble the data.

The company quickly took all of its systems offline and began notifying customers that it was trying to remediate a security threat.

Apex chose to pay the ransom demand and begin the process of restoring service to customers.

Source: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/02/payroll-provider-gives-extortionists-a-payday/

"id": "APE21216223",
"linkid": "apexhcm",
"type": "Ransomware",
"date": "02/2019",
"severity": "75",
"impact": "2",
"explanation": "Attack limited on finance or reputation"
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