Another Axiom

Another Axiom

In the popular VR game Gorilla Tag, created by Another Axiom, players have been exploiting a VPN, Big Mama VPN, for in-game cheating, leading to unfair gameplay and potential security risks. The free VPN is not just a tool for delay-based cheating but also sells access to users' internet connections, which could be used for cyberattacks. As players inadvertently join a residential proxy network, they risk their devices being part of malicious online activities, affecting the security and integrity of their personal internet connection and potentially involving them in larger cybersecurity incidents.


"id": "ano002011025",
"linkid": "another-axiom",
"type": "Cyber Attack",
"date": "12/2024",
"severity": "50",
"impact": "2",
"explanation": "Attack limited on finance or reputation"
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