Île-de-France Île-de-France's Nature, a regional organization in charge of natural areas, was the victim of a cyberattack by the hacking collective Lockbit.
The Lockbit team of hackers made the attack their own. After releasing a data extract, the crooks declared their intention to publish all of the stolen administration files.
Île-de-France Nature acknowledged experiencing a ransomware attack on its computer system. The moment the intrusion was identified, steps were taken to restore service.
The effects of this computer attack are currently being examined. It has been proven that data was stolen and encrypted.

"id": "AGE84416923",
"linkid": "iledefrancenature",
"type": "Ransomware",
"date": "08/2023",
"severity": "100",
"impact": "4",
"explanation": "Attack with significant impact with customers data leaks"